Pokémon Advanced

Polishing off the Silver Conference, Ash heads toward his next challenge—the far-off Hoenn region! While he must say goodbye to old friends, he makes the acquaintance of May, a Trainer just starting out on her Pokémon journey. Along with her little brother Max and the ever-reliable Brock, this pack of Pokémon Trainers begin pursuing their dreams—with Ash racking up three Gym Badges, while May changes tack to follow the Contest path of a Pokémon Coordinator.

A picture book with information on Pokémon which provides an explanation on the characteristics of discovered Pokémon.

Pokémon Navigator
A navigator which shows one’s current location.

Pokémon Contest
A competition based on how beautiful the Pokémon’s moves are executed. The Trainer is known as a Pokémon Coordinator.

A team competition involving the Trainer and Pokémon where the team who first puts the ring, known as Pokélinga, into the goal wins. The flying Pokémon battle in the sky to capture the Pokélinga.

Pokémon Ranger
Humans who protect Pokémon with the help of nature and wild Pokémon.

Double Battle
A battle with a total of 4 Pokémon at the same time – 2 Pokémon from each player. This is a Pokémon Battle format used in Hoenn Region.

Battle Frontier
A battle facility for Pokémon with 7 places across Kanto Region. By winning at the various Frontier Brains and Pokémon Battle, the winners will earn Symbols. The last facility can be known after accumulating all 6 Symbols.

Team Magma・Team Aqua
An organization which makes use of Pokémon to carry out evil deeds. Each team is looking for “something” which allows them to gain immense power. Team Magma and Team Aqua have conflicting interests.

Groudon and Kyogre
Legendary Pokémon. Team Magma is searching for Groudon while Team Aqua is searching for Kyogre. Both Team Magma and Team Aqua are trying to revive Groudon and Kyogre.

Partner Pokémon in Hoenn Region

Pikachu / Corphish / Glalie / Sceptile / Swellow / Torkoal

Beautifly / Bulbasaur / Combusken / Munchlax / Skitty
Partner Pokémon in Battle Frontier

Pikachu / Aipom / Corphish / Donphan / Sceptile / Swellow

Combusken / Eevee / Munchlax / Squirtle