What is Pokémon?
Mysterious Creatures You Catch with a Poké Ball
Pokémon are mysterious creatures filled with many secrets. Some Pokémon live alongside humans and some live in the wild in grassy fields, caves, or the sea, but much about their ecology that remains unknown. One of their main features is that they can be caught using a Poké Ball, which allows them to be carried around.
How many kinds of Pokémon are there?
Just how many kinds of Pokémon exist? The exact number is unknown. While over 1000 kinds of Pokémon have been confirmed, as of yet unseen Pokémon will surely be discovered in the future.
Bulbasaur -
Charmander -
Pokémon grow stronger through battle
Pokémon evolve by leveling up. For example, In the case of Pidgey:
Pidgey -
Pidgeotto -
Pokémon learn a variety of moves that they can then use in battle. Pokémon grow stronger and level up through battle. Some Pokémon not only level up, but evolve as well.
There are many types of Pokémon
Pokémon are classified into 18 types based on their characteristics. For example, Pikachu is an Electric type Pokémonand Magikarp is a Water type. There are some Pokémon who belong to two types, such as Jigglypuff, who is both Normal and Fairy. Each type has special affinities that have a big effect on battles. If your opponent's Pokémon has the right type of affinity, it can be a huge advantage in battle.
Pikachu -
Magikarp -
The TV Anime series and movies
While remaining faithful to the original video game, the TV Anime series Pokémon explores new forms of storytelling unique to the TV Anime Series. The Pokémon that players are familiar with come to life in stories full of adventure, smiles, and even some tears.
The TV Anime series first aired in Japan in April 1997, and is now a long running series broadcast all over the world.
The movies are created to be enjoyed by both kids and adults and are interwoven with themes of family, life, and taking care of the environment.

Pokémon Video Games
What set Pokémonapart from other games up until that point was that players could exchange Pokémonbetween different versions of the game.
Players try to complete the Pokédex within the game. Some Pokémon are difficult to catch, and some rare ones only appear in certain versions of the game.
The game is designed so that players cooperate with friends and family who play Pokémon to catch Pokémon they can't catch by themselves. The more people who play together, the more fun it becomes. A small Pokémon trading ring soon grows into a big ring.

Pokémon Trading Card Game
The Pokémon Trading Card Game focuses on one of the features of the Pokémon video game, Pokémon battles. Players can select and compile their cards for a strategic battle. Another thing to enjoy is the ever-expanding card collection.
While there are many fun things about Pokémon Trading Card Game, perhaps the most appealing aspect is that it is played person versus person. Players can chat, trade cards, and join tournaments held at various locations all while battling, creating all kinds of memories as they meet people through the card game.

Pokémon Apps
Pokémon GO, which has become a world craze, was developed with Niantic, Inc..
While the project started as an April Fool's joke, the company realized its value and brought the game to life with the American company who shared the same vision.
This allowed people who didn't know Pokémon play, as well as for created opportunities for families to get to know Pokémon.
The game continues to evolve even today, with new Pokémon and new features being added all the time.
In addition, the company is developing a variety of new mobile games, such as Pokémon Duel, a board game that lets players play against artificial intelligence (AI), and Pokémon Shuffle, a cute puzzle game with shrunkenPokémon icons.
Pokémon looks forward to the evolution of information technology, and will create new ways of playing unique to Pokémon that will appeal to an even wider range of people.

The Future of Pokémon
The world of Pokémon is currently developing a variety of content that serve to stimulate the growth of other content.
For example, turning Pokémon created in the game into cards that take advantage of their characteristics, then into cute, brave characters for the animated series, will create even broader appeal. In this way, the world of Pokémon continues to grow deeper and evolve into something even more interesting.